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Amplify Your Street Light’s Reach 🏘️💡

Post Coupler #88

Post Coupler #88

Shine Brighter with Post Coupler #88

The Pivotal Role of Post Couplers


Are your current street posts failing to meet the necessary height requirements? Are you grappling with street posts that don’t quite measure up? If so, Primelites Post Coupler #88 is here to provide an ideal solution. This ingeniously designed piece of hardware is specifically engineered to seamlessly join two 3-inch posts, thereby creating a taller, refurbished post to better suit your needs.


If you’ve ever wished for a simple way to augment the length of your existing posts, Post Coupler #88 is your answer. It gives you the opportunity to add up to an additional seven feet to your current post height, enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of your street lighting setup.


Rejuvenate your existing, installed post light in a classy and cost-effective way


The combination of stability and sturdiness of Post Coupler #88 ensures that your post will stand tall and strong, all while giving you value for your money. It’s an economical solution that doesn’t compromise on quality or appearance.


Rejuvenate your existing, installed post light in a classy and cost-effective way with our Post Coupler #88. Extend its life, height, and overall functionality with this reliable and practical solution that’s designed with your needs in mind. Breathe new life into your street posts with the help of Primelite’s Post Coupler #88.




<span style="font-size: 12px;"><em>Bring a Little Extra Light to the Area with the Innovative Post Coupler #88</em></span>
Bring a Little Extra Light to the Area with the Innovative Post Coupler #88


Watch your community shine anew as you boost your street lighting to new heights of splendor and efficiency


Imagine this: It’s been a couple of decades since the installation of your community’s street layout. When it was originally put into place, there was an impeccable balance between the layout of the streets, the lighting, and the surrounding landscape. However, after 25 years, the once harmonious setup has been disturbed. The trees and shrubs, once small and manageable, have now grown tall and wide, overshadowing the existing street lighting. The vegetation, in its full growth, is now, regrettably, hindering the street lights’ functions. As the trees have matured, their dense leaves and branches are diffusing the light, consequently interfering with the efficiency and effectiveness of the street lights.


You might consider addressing this issue through tree trimming, but the costs associated with this approach could substantially impact the annual budget. Moreover, this would be a temporary solution, as nature will continue to grow and could once again obscure the light.


Instead, why not consider a more permanent and cost-effective solution? Take your existing street lights to unprecedented heights by simply incorporating the use of our Post Coupler #88. This simple device allows you to add up to an additional seven feet to your current posts by seamlessly coupling it with another 3″ post. With this ingenious solution, you can overcome the barriers posed by your thriving landscape and achieve better light efficiency. Watch your community shine anew as you boost your street lighting to new heights of splendor and efficiency with Post Coupler #88.


Making Connections Matter


Post Coupler #88


Technical Drawing - Post Coupler #88
Post Coupler #88

Post Coupler #88 offers the ability to enhance your existing 3″ light posts by adding up to an additional seven feet, elevating the practicality and visual appeal of your street lighting system.


The robust construction of the Post Coupler #88 guarantees that your extended post will maintain its integrity, standing both tall and firm. This device provides a cost-effective means of improving your lighting situation, delivering exceptional value without compromising on quality or visual charm.


With Post Coupler #88, you can revitalize your pre-installed post lights in an elegant yet economical manner. It is designed to augment the lifespan, height, and overall performance of your street posts, making it a reliable and pragmatic solution tailored to fit your needs.


Technical Drawing: Post Coupler #88



<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Bring a Little Extra Light to an Area with Primelite's Post Coupler #88</span></em>
Bring a Little Extra Light to an Area with Primelite’s Post Coupler #88



Expect top-of-the-line quality, cost-effectiveness, and a steadfast dedication to customer satisfaction



Primelite’s lighting solutions are distinguished in the market for their cost-effective nature, both upfront and in the long run. Our fixtures’ excellent performance guarantees notable savings over time by minimizing the frequency of replacements and the need for routine maintenance. This dependable performance, coupled with their low maintenance demands, ensures a valuable return on your investment and enhances the sustainability of your projects.


We stand behind our products with a warranty assurance that promises they’re ready for immediate installation upon delivery. We understand that project delays can result in additional costs, so we strive to have our fixtures installation-ready as soon as they reach your site. This commitment ensures that our lighting solutions not only fulfill your design and functional needs but also perfectly align with your project schedule.


With Primelite, expect top-of-the-line quality, cost-effectiveness, and a steadfast dedication to customer satisfaction.




⚙️ 3″ Post Coupler #88

Post Coupler #88
Primelite Catalog: Post Coupler #88







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Primelite💡Now Spinning 🌀 Up a Storm🌪️

Primelite Brings Our Spinning Shades In House

Contact Us Today For a Spinning Quote!

Primelite Brings Our Spinning Shades In House
Primelite Brings Our Shade “Spinning” Process In-House

In-House Metal 🌀 Spinning for Faster,

Better Light Shades


We’re thrilled to share the exhilarating news of the latest expansion at Primelite! We’ve recently brought the intricate process of “metal spinning” in-house, adding an exciting dynamic to our manufacturing capabilities. Now, our skilled craftsmen are taking the reins of this process, allowing us to produce a wide array of shades right here on our premises, leading to faster and more cost-effective production. This shift to in-house manufacturing further enables us to offer our clients the flexibility of custom shapes and sizes in their orders.


<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Examples of Primelite "Spun" gooseneck and pendant shades</span></em>
Examples of Primelite “Spun” gooseneck and pendant shades



“… in-house manufacturing … enables us to offer our clients the flexibility of custom shapes and sizes in their orders”



But what is Spinning? 🌀


In the context of light shade creation, “Spinning” refers to a specific metalworking technique called “metal spinning.” This method is used to manufacture round, symmetrical objects, such as light shades, bowls, and even machine parts.


The spinning operation kicks off with the attachment of a flat metal disk to a lathe. As the lathe rotates the disk at high velocity, a shaping implement known as a roller is deployed. Our experienced artisans manually control this tool to gently press the metal against the mold and sculpt it into the desired form. This meticulous procedure is suitable for intricate or small-scale designs.



For creating light shades, the metal would be spun and manipulated until it takes the shape of the intended design. This could be a simple cone shape, a complex curved pattern, or any number of other possibilities.


After the spinning process, the metal shade can be polished, painted, or otherwise finished to create the final product. This technique allows for a high degree of precision and consistency, making it a popular choice for manufacturing a wide range of products, including light shades.



Stock examples of our "Spun" Shades



“we can also apply our metal spinning 🌀 expertise to create a variety of other objects”



Our capabilities at Primelite extend beyond just crafting the standard shapes for our lighting solutions. We are eager to push the boundaries of design by accommodating special shapes that aren’t typically found in our catalog. This adaptability reflects our commitment to meeting the unique needs and desires of our customers. But our talents and resources go even further.


In addition to lighting, we can also apply our metal spinning expertise to create a variety of other objects. As an example, we’re capable of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing scoops for scales, enhancing the accuracy of your measurements while adding a touch of elegance.


<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Examples of Primelite "Spun" gooseneck and pendant shades</span></em>
Examples of Primelite “Spun” gooseneck and pendant shades


In addition to lighting… 🌀


For culinary enthusiasts, we can offer meticulously crafted bowls, ready to support your cooking adventures with their durable and stylish design. Furthermore, we produce robust drums for storage, ensuring your items are kept safe and secure while adding a pleasing visual element to your space.


In essence, we at Primelite don’t just create light shades. We will use our skills to bring a variety of forms and functions to life, contributing to numerous aspects of your daily living, and ultimately improving your experience with practical and beautiful metal-spun creations.


🌀 Catalog Page 04: “Spun” Gooseneck & Pendant Shades

primelite gooseneck shades - catalog 04
“Spinning” – Primelite gooseneck shades – catalog 04



🌀 Catalog Page 07: “Spun” Gooseneck & Pendant Shades

primelite gooseneck shades - catalog 07
“Spinning” – Primelite gooseneck shades – catalog 07



🌀 “The craftsmanship behind our products embodies excellence”


Brighten your surroundings with absolute assurance, knowing that Primelite’s superior lighting solutions not only shed light but also uplift and enhance your space, transforming it into a showcase of exquisite aesthetics and superior illumination. Our light fixtures masterfully merge design and function, casting a dance of light that’s as dependable as it is captivating.


The craftsmanship behind our products embodies excellence, guaranteeing that each piece we create is destined for durability and impeccable performance. So, place your trust in our lighting to deliver an illuminative experience that harmoniously blends functionality and aesthetics, truly imbuing your space with radiant light.



<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Examples of Primelite "Spun" gooseneck and pendant shades</span></em>
Examples of Primelite “Spun” gooseneck and pendant shades


<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Examples of Primelite "Spun" gooseneck and pendant shades</span></em>
Examples of Primelite “Spun” gooseneck and pendant shades





🌀 © Copyright 2023



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Shining A Light on Innovation

🎃 Step Into the Haunted Elegance of Primelite 💀

A Radiant Ensemble

Street Light #1573 & Post Series #6400


💡 Reimagining Outdoor Lighting


Primelite Mfg is delighted to reignite your enthusiasm for premium lighting solutions with the reintroduction of our much-loved Street Light #1573 LED150, together with its partner in illumination, the Wall Mount Fixture #5731 LED150. Referred to technically as a “LED Shoebox Adjustable Mount Street Light,” the #1573 provides a veritable symphony of configurations with its ingenious quartet of head combinations: the soloist T1 (1 head), the duet T2 (2 heads), the trio T3 (3 heads), and the quartet T4 (4 heads), all designed to fit seamlessly onto a 4″ x 4″ square post. Each head stands as a testament to practicality and function, offering an impressive 90° swivel that enables you to angle it perfectly to suit your unique lighting needs.



A match made in lighting heaven, the #1573 pairs ideally with our specially designed 4″x4″ Square Post Series #6400. Together, they form the #1573 + #6400 partnership, a lighting solution that marries utility and style. Each post in the #6400 series is a meticulously crafted masterpiece made from 100% aluminum, towering over landscapes in a variety of heights, from a dignified 7 feet to a colossal 20 feet. To further illuminate your world, you can mount up to four heads on a single post, forging a bright, beautiful ensemble that delivers an awe-inspiring lumen output.


The #1573 + #6400 Series combination offers more than just brightness; it brings a durable, chic, and versatile lighting solution for a diverse range of outdoor projects. The adaptable nature of the Street Light #1573 means it can light up your life wherever you need it, from local streets, bustling roadways, practical parking lots and driveways, to multi-level parking garages and extensive highways. It even lends itself beautifully to the realm of sports lighting. Beyond practicality, this brilliant combination also adds an aesthetic flourish, uplifting the atmosphere of pedestrian walkways, tranquil parks, bustling town squares, and serene residential areas, creating a visually stunning fusion of light and environment.


<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">The Shoebox Adjustable Wall Mount #3571 proves itself to be a versatile and invaluable addition to any lighting setup</span></em>
The Shoebox Adjustable Wall Mount #5731 proves itself to be a versatile and invaluable addition to any lighting setup


And let’s not overlook our multifaceted Wall Mount Fixture, #5731 LED150. Echoing all the exemplary technical attributes, lighting prowess, and robust electrical performance of its peer, Street Light #1573, the #5731 steps into the spotlight with a distinct advantage – the versatility of a wall mount option. Its robust construction from heavy-duty die-cast aluminum, cloaked in a resilient polyester finish, endows the #5731 with durability that stands the test of time, as well as resistance to rust and corrosion. This makes it a steadfast companion that shines brightly in any environment.


Illuminate your environs with unwavering certainty, secure in the knowledge that Primelite’s superior lighting solutions will not only illuminate but also enhance and elevate your space, transforming it into a testament to refined aesthetics and superior illumination. Our luminaires blend form and function in a ballet of light that is as reliable as it is beautiful. The craftsmanship behind our products is of the highest caliber, ensuring every piece we create is designed for longevity and flawless performance. So trust in our lighting to provide a luminary experience that unites functionality and aesthetics in a radiant harmony, truly enriching your space with light.



City Streets Are Brightened with Multiple #1573 Heads (T2)
Witness as our cities pulse with life and color under the crisp, consistent light from the #1573 heads


💡Illuminate and Enhance Your Outdoor Spaces


Shoebox Adjustable Mount Street Light #1573 LED150, T1, T2, T3, T4


<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Street Light #1573 T1 the soloist among its quartet of configurations, upholds the high standards of its #1573 family</span></em>
Street Light #1573 T1 the soloist among its quartet of configurations, upholds the high standards of its #1573 family


Experience the radiant luminary prowess of the #1573 LED150 Street Light, featuring four distinct head configurations: T1 (1 Head), T2 (2 Heads), T3 (3 Heads), and T4 (4 Heads). This brilliantly designed outdoor fixture is precisely engineered to be mounted on a 4″ x 4″ square post, ideally matching our durable #6400 Series.


Crafted from heavy-duty die-cast aluminum and adorned with a resilient polyester finish, the #1573 LED150 resolutely stands up to the challenges of rust and corrosion, promising a long-lasting lighting solution that maintains its aesthetic appeal.


But the #1573 LED150 is not just about superior construction and appealing design; it’s also a powerhouse of luminosity. Delivering an impressive light output of 140 lumens per watt, each configuration shines with brilliance. The T1 illuminates your surroundings with a bright 21,000 lumens, while the T2 doubles that radiance with a 42,000-lumen output. The T3 elevates this even further, producing an awe-inspiring 63,000 lumens. For those seeking the maximum, the T4 stands unparalleled, yielding an astounding 84,000 lumens.


Immerse your outdoor spaces in the brilliant, efficient light of the #1573 LED150, a remarkable fusion of craftsmanship, design, and performance that brightens every corner of your outdoor projects.


Technical Drawing: #1573 LED150 T1, #1573 LED150 T2, #1573 LED150 T3, #1573 LED150 T4



Square (4″x 4″) Post Series #6400


#6400 Square (4″x4″) Post Series
The #6400 Square (4″x4″) Post Series stands as a beacon of enduring strength and versatility

Our #6400 Square (4″x4″) Post Series stands as a testament to design perfection, marrying flawlessly with the #1573 Street Light. This series of posts sculpted entirely from premium-grade aluminum, spans an array of lengths, from a humble yet dignified 7 feet to an awe-inspiring 20 feet, thereby meeting a diverse range of requirements and catering to a myriad of aesthetic preferences.


Moreover, each #6400 post is not just a standalone marvel, but also an epitome of versatility. It carries the capability to host up to four #1573 heads on a single post. This feature opens the door to a world of illuminating possibilities, leading to a radiant ensemble that beams forth an astonishing level of light output. This combination stands as a beacon of brilliance in the industry, creating an illumination solution that is as adaptable as it is luminous. Enjoy the boundless light and profound flexibility of our #6400 series as it seamlessly integrates with the #1573 to create a union of illumination that is nothing short of remarkable.


Technical Drawing: #6400 Series | 7’– #6407 | 8’– #6408 | 10’– #6410 | 12’– #6412 | 14’– #6414 | 16′ – #6416 | 18′ – #6418



Shoebox Adjustable Wall Mount Light #5731 LED 150


<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">The Shoebox Adjustable Wall Mount #3571 proves itself to be a versatile and invaluable addition to any lighting setup</span></em>
The Adjustable Wall Mount #5731 by Shoebox demonstrates its versatility and immense value in every lighting arrangement

The #5731 LED150 is a marvel of adjustable outdoor lighting design. It is an exterior wall mount fixture that elegantly adorns any facade with its modest yet significant dimensions of 6″ W by 8 3/8″ H by 1″ D for its base (canopy). This lighting fixture is more than just a sibling to the illustrious #1573; it shares the very DNA of its design ethos, encapsulating all the commendable technical, illuminating, and electrical components of its counterpart.


The robust and well-rounded personality of #5731 is characterized by its construction. It is meticulously molded from heavy-duty die-cast aluminum, a testament to enduring strength and resilience. This rugged construction is further enhanced by a coating of polyester finish. Not only does this finish augment its visual appeal, but it also serves a critical protective function. The coating bestows upon the #5731 resistance against rust and corrosion, ensuring that it remains as dazzling as the day it was installed, standing firm and shining bright against the elements of nature. It is truly a luminary masterpiece that embodies the best in aesthetics and longevity.


Technical Drawing: #5731 LED150



Located in the heart of Freeport New York, Primelite thrives on a deep-seated sense of “Made in America” pride. Our company houses some of the most talented and original craftsmen in the industry, who painstakingly create our lighting fixtures, accessories, and more with unmatched dedication and skill. We proudly declare that our products are “Made in America”, ensuring the production of superior, high-quality American products for the discerning lighting industry.


Our logo, adorned with the stars and stripes, along with the proud “Made in America” labels that come with our products, mirror our steadfast commitment to the principles and values that have established America’s greatness. Primelite stands as a tangible and brilliant testament to the excellence of American manufacturing, glowing as bright as the ideal it represents.



#1573 T1, T2, T3, T4

Shoebox Adjustable Slip Fit Mount Street Light #1573 T1
Presenting Primelite’s luminary jewel – the #1573 LED150 in four fantastic variations: T1, T2, T3, and T4. Discover the superior attributes of this Post and Street Light series:

Type: Post Light | Street Light

Heads: Offering unmatched versatility, you can select from up to four heads – T1, T2, T3, and T4 – to suit your precise lighting requirements.

Lamp: LED150. Energy-efficient, long-lasting, and bright.

Lumens: Ensuring outstanding illumination, the T1 version emits a brilliant 21,000 lumens, while T2 doubles that to 42,000. The T3 further elevates this to a dazzling 63,000 lumens, and the T4 tops the charts with an awe-inspiring 84,000 lumens. All at an impressive 140 lumens per watt.

Lens: Clear, for optimum light transmission and performance.

Size: Measuring a compact 2 1/4” H, 25” L, and 12 3/8″ W, it’s a lighting solution that delivers big performance without taking up too much space.

Construction: Crafted from robust, durable aluminum, designed for long-term outdoor use.

Swivel: 90° swivel feature, allowing you to direct the light precisely where it’s needed.

Post: Perfectly compatible with our 4″x4″ Square #6400 Series posts.

Installation: Designed for diverse applications, from local streets, roadways, parking lots, driveways, and parking garages to highway and sports lighting installations.

Finishes: A choice of Polyester Powder-Coated, Bronze finish, ensuring your lighting not only performs brilliantly but looks great too.

Technical Drawing: Available for each variant – #1573 T1, #1573 T2, #1573 T3, #1573 T4 – providing detailed views for a comprehensive understanding of the product.

Experience the luminous magic of our #1573 LED150 series, designed for those seeking remarkable lighting solutions that combine functionality, durability, and style.

#6400 Series

Square Post #6400 Series
Delve into the architectural prowess of Primelite’s #6400 Series, which includes #6407, #6408, #6410, #6412, #6414, #6416, and #6418. Here are the distinguishing features of this remarkable Square Post series:

Type: 4″ x 4′ Square Post, a robust and sleek design that integrates seamlessly with your outdoor lighting setup.

Gauge: 0.125, sturdy and durable, built to withstand diverse weather conditions and stand firm in all seasons.

Size: Versatile 4″ x 4″ cross-section, available in multiple heights to cater to a range of lighting needs: 7′, 8′, 10′, 12′, 14′, 16′, 18′, and 20′ H.

Construction: Constructed from high-grade aluminum, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance.

Also Available: Looking for added stability and style? Our #6400 series is also available with a Shoe Base (#6400 SB).

Installation: Flexible installation options to suit different environments – choose from Burial Mount or Shoe Base.

Finishes: Customize your post with a choice of 29 powder-coated colors. Looking for something unique? We also offer custom finishes upon request, ensuring your post perfectly complements its surroundings.

Technical Drawing: Detailed drawings for each height variant in the #6400 Series are available – 7′ (#6407) | 8′ (#6408) | 10′ (#6410) | 12′ (#6412) | 14′ (#6414) | 16′ (#6416) | 18′ (#6418) – offering a comprehensive understanding of the product’s design and dimensions.

Explore the unparalleled versatility and stylish design of the #6400 Series, a lighting solution that stands tall and shines bright in any setting.


#5731 Wall Mount l.ight
Introducing the #5731 LED150 from Primelite’s stellar catalog, an outstanding wall mount light that illuminates your space with class and efficiency. Let’s delve into the specifics:

Type: Wall Mount. Designed to securely attach to vertical surfaces, providing high-quality illumination where ground space is limited.

Lamp: LED150. The future of lighting, LED150 combines energy efficiency with a high-intensity output that doesn’t compromise on brightness or color quality.

Lumens: Brilliantly bright with 21,000 lumens at a highly efficient 140 lumens per watt, ensuring your space is illuminated effectively and economically.

Lens: Clear. Assures maximum light transmission and offers a clean, modern aesthetic.

Size: With dimensions of 8 3/8” H, 26” L, and 12 3/8″ W, it fits comfortably in various settings without imposing on the space.

Canopy: A solid and reliable base at 6″ W, 8 3/8″ H, and 1″ D, ensuring secure mounting and an appealing finish.

Construction: Manufactured from durable, high-quality aluminum, crafted to withstand the rigors of external use.

Finishes: Tailor the appearance to suit your setting, with options of Polyester Powder-Coated, Bronze finish.

Technical Drawing: #5731. Provides detailed insights into the product’s design and dimensions.

The #5731 LED150 Wall Mount light promises to be a reliable, aesthetically pleasing addition to your space, providing efficient, high-quality lighting exactly where you need it.


© Copyright 2023



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American Dream, American Light, American Pride

he inspiring saga of Primelite Manufacturing

 The Illuminating Journey

of Primelite Manufacturing



American Pride Illuminated in Manufacturing Excellence


During this fervent patriotic week, when we honor and celebrate the birth of our nation, it’s particularly fitting that we cast a luminous spotlight on a true embodiment of the American dream – the inspiring saga of Primelite Manufacturing.


Born in the tempestuous era of the 1960s, amidst social and political upheaval, Primelite was built on a solid bedrock of belief in the “Made in America” ethos. As the vast majority of our elegant luminaires bear the proud hallmark of being American-made, echoing our steadfast commitment to domestic production.


From its inception, service to our nation has been deeply ingrained in Primelite’s identity. Our esteemed founder, Irwin Heit, a courageous World War II veteran, passionately channeled his patriotic fervor into creating Primelite Manufacturing. To him, it was more than a business venture; it was a sincere, heartfelt tribute to the land he loved.



<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">We're home to some of the finest and original artisans in the industry, who labor with dedication and skill to produce our lighting fixtures, accessories, and more.</span></em>
We’re home to some of the finest and original artisans in the industry, who labor with dedication and skill to produce our lighting fixtures, accessories, and more.


Irwin Heit’s Legacy: Primelite Manufacturing and the American Dream


Nestled in the heart of Freeport, NY for a considerable span of its existence, Primelite resonates with profound “Made in America” pride. It is home to some of the finest and original artisans in the industry, who labor with dedication and skill to produce our lighting fixtures, accessories, and more. We confidently assert that our products are “Made in America”, thus providing employment to fellow Americans and crafting superior, top-tier American products for the discerning lighting industry. 


Our emblem, emblazoned with the stars and stripes, and the proud “Made in America” tags that accompany our products, reflect our unwavering dedication to the principles and values that have made America great. Primelite stands as a tangible and brilliant testament to the excellence of American manufacturing, glowing as bright as the ideal it represents.



<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">With Primelite, you're not just embracing a product; you're joining hands with the future</span></em>
With Primelite, you’re not just embracing a product; you’re joining hands with the future




Primelite has consistently positioned itself at the cutting edge of lighting technology, illuminating the path forward for the industry. We have not only kept pace with but often spearheaded the industry-wide embrace of innovations that have culminated in today’s LED marvels of brilliance.


Our technological prowess has enabled us to pioneer advancements that redefine illuminance, making us a beacon in the realm of lighting technology. “It is, and always has been, our driving ambition to introduce and disseminate the very best of each evolutionary leap in technology to our clients.”



Our technological prowess has enabled us to pioneer advancements that redefine illuminance, making us a beacon in the realm of lighting technology. It is, and always has been, our driving ambition to introduce and disseminate the very best of each evolutionary leap in technology to our clients.
“It is, and always has been, our driving ambition to introduce and disseminate the very best of each evolutionary leap in technology to our clients.”


One significant innovation is the exploration of our “Mighty Brighty” Linear Lighting system. This cutting-edge development in lighting design offers both aesthetics and functionality, redefining expectations and setting new standards in the industry.


In addition to our focus on new technologies, Primelite continues to respect and upgrade our tried-and-tested products. We understand the importance of maintaining our classic offerings, and continually revamping and upgrading these existing models to keep them relevant in today’s ever-evolving technology landscape. 


At times, this advancement of our technology also requires us to refine established methods to modernize our traditional offerings. An example would be our shade spinning process, a method used to form metal sheets into diverse shapes, and which is instrumental in producing almost all of our metal light shades.


We’ve recently transitioned this process in-house, a move that’s set to improve not only the quality of our products but also the efficiency of our operations and the cost-effectiveness of our production. This change also paves the way for us to offer, and create, custom lighting shades, tailored to individual needs and preferences.


Through our work, we strive to ensure that the flame of American manufacturing burns brightly into the future.


⚙️ Mighty Brighty” 2′ Linear Lighting Series

Linear Light #5744F

Flush Ceiling Mount #5744F

Technical Drawing: 5744F

Linear Light #5744S

Stem Mounted #5744S

Technical Drawing: 5744S


Linear Light #5744-855-ESW


Technical Drawing: 5744/855-ESW

Linear Light #5744 Pendant


Technical Drawing: 5744 Pendant

Linear Light #5744/858-ESW


Technical Drawing: 5744/858-ESW

Linear Light #5744-1873-ESW


Technical Drawing: 5744/1873-ESW-LED25

#1573 T1, T2, T3, T4

Shoebox Adjustable Slip Fit Mount Street Light #1573 T1
Primelite Catalog: #1573 LED150 T1, T2, T3, T4

  • Type: Post Light | Street Light
  • Head: Up To 4 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4
  • Lamp: LED150
  • Lumens: 21,000 T1 | 42,000 T2 | 63,000 T3 | 84,000 T4 | 140 per Watt
  • Lens: Clear
  • Size: 2 1/4” H |  ‎25” L | 12 3/8” W 
  • Construction: Aluminum
  • Swivel: 90°
  • Installation: Local Streets, Roadways,
    Parking Lots, Driveways, Parking Garages, Highway and Sport Lighting installations
  • Finishes: Polyester Powder-Coated | Bronze |  White
  • Post: 4″X 4″ Square | #6400 Series
  • Technical Drawing: #1573 T1, #1573 T2, #1573 T3, #1573 T4


Primelite Catalog: #1230X

  • Type: Post Light | Street Light
  • Lamps: LED40 | LED48 | LED68 | LED100 | 3K, 4K
  • Lumens
        • LED40: 3K – 6564 | 4K – 6756 Lumens | (100W MH Equivalent)
        • LED48: 3K – 4560 lumens | 4K – 5120 Lumens | (150W MH Equivalent)
        • LED68: 3K – 11920 lumens | 4K – 12272 Lumens | (175W MH Equivalent)
        • LED100: 3K – 15308 lumens | 4K – 15756 Lumens | (250 W MH Equivalent)
  • Globe: Polycarbonate | Clear | Frosted
  • Size: 31 ⅝” H |  ‎17” Dia
  • Enclosure: Decorative | 4 x 1 1/2” 100% Aluminum Bands
  • Construction: Die-Cast Aluminum
  • Mount: 3″ Poles & Posts | Cast Aluminum Posts
  • Install: Burial | Shoe Base
  • Installation: Local Streets, Roadways, Parking Lots and Garages, Parks, Town Squares, Walkways
  • Finishes: Choice of 29 powder coated colors. Custom finish upon request.
  • Technical Drawing: #1230X LED Series





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Low-Maintenance LED Solutions

Gooseneck #3501-850

Gooseneck #3501-850

Multi-Purpose Lighting:

LED Head for

Gooseneck, Post, &

Wall Mount Options



The Versatile Solution to Your Exterior Lighting Challenges


Primelite is committed to meeting your diverse lighting needs by offering an expansive range of lighting solutions. Our extensive portfolio, backed by years of experience, ensures we can provide lighting fixtures that not only meet your unique requirements but also enhance the visual appeal and functional efficiency of your illumination arrangements.


Once again, Primelite has delivered a solution to your exterior lighting dilemmas! We are excited to present our new LED street-ready head, #3501A LED30! The #3501A is among our most adaptable and gratifying LED Floodlights. It’s now available in combination with any of our Gooseneck Arms, offering the perfect exterior lighting options. With over 2 dozen arm options at your disposal, you can tailor the perfect fixture for your outdoor lighting projects. 


However, the use of this incredible head isn’t just confined to our Gooseneck range. Head #3501A pairs perfectly with any of our posts, serving effectively as Street and Post lights. Securely light up parking lots, walking paths and parks, patios and courtyards, and sports venues for nighttime games. The practical advantages are endless. In addition, we also cater to diverse lighting needs with wall mount options, ideal for wall washes and security lighting purposes.


Some examples of our meticulous craftsmanship are the #3501/850 ESW | #3501/855 ESW | #3501/859 ESW models.



Primelite offers 40+ Gooseneck Arms to work with Floodlight Head #1350A
Primelite provides over 40 variations of Gooseneck Arms, compatible with the Floodlight Head model #3501A



#3501A LED30 is offered in various temperatures, 3K, 4K, and 5K, ranging from warm white to cool white and beyond. It provides Lumens from 3900 – 4035, respectively. The medium FloodLight is built with a die-cast aluminum body, a bronze finish, and a polycarbonate lens for LED protection.


Approved for wet locations, it delivers maximum brightness for exterior settings, with robustness, reliability, weather resistance, and minimal upkeep.


Secure Your Spaces with Primelite’s LED Lights


Floodlight Head #3501A ESW LED30


#3501 LED30 Medium Floodlight Head
#3501A ESW LED30 Medium Floodlight Head

Our versatile #3501A ESW LED30 Floodlight, combinable with any of our Gooseneck Arms, provides tailored outdoor lighting solutions. We also offer wall mount options for diverse applications. This head can also pair with our posts, serving as efficient Street and Post lights, lighting up varied outdoor spaces effectively.

Available in 3K, 4K, and 5K temperatures, the LED offers a luminosity range of 3900-4035 lumens. Built with a die-cast aluminum body, bronze finish, and polycarbonate lens, this FloodLight ensures durability, weather resistance, and minimal maintenance while offering optimal exterior illumination.


Technical Drawing: #3501A LED30



Each lighting fixture manufactured by Primelite is painstakingly hand-assembled with the utmost attention to detail in our New York-based warehouse. Our commitment to quality ensures that every single component of our fixtures is meticulously put together, ensuring a well-crafted product every time.



Post Floodlight #1350-ESW LED30
Post Floodlight #1350-ESW LED30



Our lighting solutions stand out in the market not only because of their economical upfront cost but also due to their promise of long-term cost-efficiency. The robust performance of our fixtures translates into significant savings over time, reducing the need for constant replacements or frequent maintenance. This reliable performance, coupled with their low upkeep requirements, adds value to your investment and contributes to the overall sustainability of your projects.


Our warranty assurance ensures that our products are ready for immediate installation upon their arrival at your project site. We understand that any delay in the execution of your projects can lead to cost overruns, so we endeavor to ensure that our fixtures are ready for deployment as soon as you receive them. This means that you can count on our lighting solutions to not only meet your aesthetic and functional requirements but also to align seamlessly with your project timeline. With Primelite, you can expect top-tier quality, cost-efficiency, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.



Floodlight #1350/855
Floodlight #3501A/855 LED30




⚙️ #3501A LED30 Floodlight Head

#1350A ESW LED30 Medium Floodlight Head
Primelite Catalog: #3501A ESW LED 30 

  • Type: LED Medium Floodlight Head
  • Lamp: LED30 | Floodlight | 3k, 4K, 5K | Dimmable
  • Lumens: 3900 – 4055 
  • Lens: Clear | Polycarbonate
  • Size: 9 5/8” H |  ‎7” L | 1 3/4” W 
  • Construction: Die-Cast Aluminum | Polycarbonate
  • Swivel: 90°
  • Installation: Local Streets, Roadways,
    Parking Lots, Driveways, Parking Garages, Highway and Sport Lighting installations
  • Finishes: Polyester Powder-Coated | Bronze 
  • Technical Drawing: #3501A LED30

Related: #3501/850 ESW LED30 | #3501/855 ESW LED30 | #3501/859 ESW LED30 | #1350 ESW LED30







Posted on

Welcome to a Brighter Future ☀️

Primelites New 100 watt LED

with Our Newest, Most Brilliant LED



Helping Cast a Bright Beam on Your Lighting Endeavors


Primelite takes great satisfaction in providing you with a broad spectrum of lighting solutions. By leveraging our comprehensive offerings and long-standing experience, we are confident that you will find the perfect lighting fixtures. Not only to align with your specific needs but also to enhance the aesthetic appeal and functional efficiency of your lighting setup.


Primelite is once again leading the charge in the latest and greatest innovations in lighting and LED technology. We are excited to introduce our new LED module, which operates at 100 Watts and is comprised of 4 x LED25 chips. Now even brighter and more efficient, it delivers the luminous efficiency equivalent to a 124 Watt LED – an astonishing 153 lumens per watt, 15300 per module! We are also excited to announce that these LEDs are now incorporated throughout our Catalogs, including lanterns, street, and post lighting, bringing radiant illumination to your exterior endeavors!


As with all our LED choices, you can expect remarkable energy efficiency, cost savings, and maintenance benefits. We provide tailored solutions enabling you to construct a personalized outdoor lighting scheme that resonates with your needs and tastes. We remain steadfastly dedicated to helping you achieve the pinnacle of lighting solutions for your outdoor spaces. For more details, please contact our office.




Primelite Catalog - Street Lights
Primelite Catalog – Street Lights – LED100 Compatible


Leading the Way in Brightness for Your Lighting Projects


New, Advanced LED100 Module


New 100 watt LED Module = 4 x LED25
New 100 watt LED Module = 4 x LED25

Our brand new LED100 Module, a 100 Watt powerhouse, is comprised of four LED25 chips, and is not only brighter and more efficient but also offers an impressive light efficiency equal to a 124 Watt LED. This LED module impressively produces 153 lumens per watt, yielding a total of 15,300 lumens per module! Its performance is on par with a 400-watt metal halide, making it a powerful lighting solution.


These LEDs are now seamlessly integrated across our entire product catalog, spanning from lanterns to street and post lights, casting bright and efficient light on all outdoor ventures!


Technical Drawing: LED25 Chip | LED100 Module



Primelite Catalog - Cast Aluminum Lanterns
Primelite Catalog – Cast Aluminum Lanterns – LED100 Compatible



Every fixture from Primelite is meticulously hand-assembled in our New York warehouse. Our lighting solutions are not just economical but also offer long-term cost efficiency due to their reliable performance and low maintenance requirements. Furthermore, we provide warranties on both our fixtures and LED modules, guaranteeing their readiness for prompt installation upon arrival at your project site!



Primelite Catalog - Post Lights
Primelite Catalog – Post Lights – LED100 Compatible




⚙️ LED100 Module

New 100 watt LED Module = 4 x LED25
Primelite Catalog: LED100 Module = 4 x LED25







Posted on

🙌 Primelite Has Got’cha Reaching 🙌


🌥️ Reaching For The Skies 🌤️



Telescoping Posts: Our Stairway to the Skies


For many years, Primelite has been your reliable provider of Lanterns, Street Lights, and a variety of posts and poles to suit these installations. We pride ourselves on offering a diverse array of post solutions to establish a sturdy base for your post lights. Given our broad selection and wealth of experience, we’re confident that you’ll discover the perfect posts to meet your needs and enhance both the aesthetic appeal and utility of your lighting arrangement.


We are excited to introduce the latest addition to our Post and Pole collection – Telescopic Post Series #6300. These innovative posts, available in eight different heights and gauges, are designed to provide exceptional height for your projects while significantly reducing the shipping size. 


The telescopic design comprises two posts with one nested inside the other. The exterior post has a diameter of 3 1/2“, and the interior 3” post fits perfectly within, extending upward to achieve the desired height. Once the securing screws are tightened, your post morphs into a robust, secure, and stable base for your lighting fixture.


An added advantage of this compact size is the considerable savings on shipping. The need to budget for oversized shipping becomes obsolete. For instance, the 8′ post (#6308 | #6328) ships in ~ 4′ box, while our 10′ (#6310 | #6330) post can now be shipped in a package of about 5′. Similarly, a 12′ Post (#6312 | #6332) fits in approximately 6′, and our 14′ post (#6314 | #6334) accommodates within a 7′ shipping container. 


Since the internal post has a standard 3″ diameter any of our Lanterns, Street, and Post Lights will snugly fit atop our Telescopic Light Posts, making for a flawless pairing.



Reaching for the Skies With Primelites Telescopic Light Posts
Reaching for the Skies With Primelite’s Telescopic Light Posts











The selection and type of post you employ can significantly amplify the look and efficiency of your Lanterns, Street, and Post Lights. We offer a broad spectrum of post choices, from straightforward 3″ aluminum poles to elegantly designed cast aluminum posts, to our innovative telescopic posts.


Our standard posts come in a range of heights from 2 to 16 feet, with smooth or fluted tops (Telescopic Posts are only available in a smooth finish), and ornamental bases in various heights, styles, and colors. We’re here to assist you in crafting a sleek, cost-effective, and refined design that harmonizes with your outdoor lighting requirements.


At Primelite, we offer customizable solutions that empower you to create an Individualized outdoor lighting arrangement that aligns with your unique needs and preferences. We remain devoted to helping you achieve the optimal lighting solution for your outdoor spaces.


New Telescoping Posts

Telescopic Post Series #6300


Telescopic Post series #6300
Telescopic Post Series #6300 | 8′, 10′, 12′, and 14′

Telescopic Post Series #6300 – a two-component light post that offers a taller solution, which may have previously been financially prohibitive due to shipping costs.


This innovative post comprises an external segment with a 3 1/2″ diameter and an internal 3″ diameter post that fits snugly inside. The internal post can be extended upwards to reach the required height. Once the fastening screws are tightened, your post becomes a solid, safe, and stable base for your light fixture, offering a greater height that was once limited by shipping constraints.


The 3-inch post diameter, available in both light (.05) and heavy (.125) gauges, guarantees a perfect fit with all Primelite Lanterns, Street, and Post Lights.


Technical Drawings: #6300 Series : #6308#6310#6312#6314#6328#6330#6332#6334


All of Primelite’s fixtures are painstakingly handcrafted and assembled in our warehouse in New York. Our lighting solutions represent not only a budget-friendly option but also ensure cost-effective maintenance and years of reliable and stylish performance. Moreover, both our fixtures and LED modules come with a warranty, assuring they’re ready for immediate installation when they reach your project location!


Primelite's Telescoping Light Post Reaching For THe Skies
Primelite’s Telescoping Light Posts  Will Have You Reaching For The Skies



⚙️ #6300 Series | Telescopic Post

Telescopic Post series #6300
Primelite Catalog: #6300 Series

Light Gauge (.05): 8′ – #6308 | 10′ – #6310 | 12‘ – #6312 | 14′ – #6314

Heavy Gauge (.125): 8′ – #6328 | 10′ – #6330 | 12‘ – #6332 | 14‘ – #6334

  • Type: Telescopic Post
  • Size:
    • Unextended: Ht ~ 4′, ~ 5′, ~ 6′, ~ 7′ 
    • Extended: Ht 8′, 10′, 12′, 14′
      • Outside Post Dia 31/2” | Inside Post Dia 3″
      • Inquire For Custom Lengths
  • Gauges: Light (.05) | Heavy (.125)
  • Material: Aluminum
  • Fits: 3″ Post and Street Lights
  • Accessories: Electric Eye | Convenience Outlet
  • Finishes: Choice of 29 powder-coated colors. Custom finish upon request.
  • Technical Drawing: #6300 Series








Posted on

Radiant Charms of the Evening 🌟💡🌟

Shimmer. Glimmer. Garden. Glow! Garden Light #9265
Garden Light #9265
Shimmer. Glimmer. Garden. Glow! Garden Light #9265

The Gl🌟w and Glam🌟ur

of Primelite’s Garden Lights


Primelite’s Garden 🌟 Lights


As the afternoon sun dips below the horizon, and a flicker dances across the tranquil pond, it’s the cue for Primelite’s Garden Lights to cast their radiant charms, greeting the garden’s twilight with open arms.


With an array of radiant blooms shimmering into existence, the garden’s floral splendor is ignited by the soft glow of the evening. A sparkle here, a glint there, and the allure of our garden lighting is undeniable, enhancing the captivating tranquility of your oasis. 


Our Garden Collection imparts an enchanting dimension to any garden. Our Chrome and Galvanized powder-coated finishes, resistant to water and weather, will punctuate your evening walks, mirroring the shimmer and sparkle of our garden lights. The series is also available in a variety of stylish metallic-style finishes, including nickel, bronze, and brass, as well as the aforementioned chrome and galvanized.




Fashioned from robust cast aluminum, our pagoda-inspired lights, including 3-tier garden fixture #9265, offer a blend of chic design and practical durability, outshining the less enduring plastic alternatives. Coupled with the energy efficiency of LED chips, our Garden Lights demonstrate a harmonious blend of cost-effectiveness and longevity.


Primelite’s Garden Light #9265 adds an elegant and timeless silhouette to any garden, walkway, park, conservatory, or green space. All garden lights come with glass jelly jars. Three-tier fixtures use a 5″ H jelly jar, while the four-tier fixtures are fitted with our 7″ H jar. The #9265 comes fully equipped with a LED12 module, providing powerful and energy-efficient lighting.

Whether you’re illuminating a community park, a stately residence, or a lush botanical garden, Primelite’s LED Garden Lights are guaranteed to impart a sparkling elegance to any project.

The Garden 🌟 Light Collection

Primelite's Garden Light Series
Primelite’s Garden Light Series


The Garden Light Series, as depicted above, provides a selection of traditional pagoda-inspired light fixtures. You can find more information in our Lighting Catalog on page D41.


Gl🌟w and Glam🌟ur


Garden Light #9265/3 | Stake Mount


Garden Light #9265
Garden Light #9265/3

Garden Light #9265/3 is a shining representation of our Garden Light Series, echoing the vintage charm of pagoda-style garden lights from the past. The #9265/3 model is one of our more compact, three-tier pagoda designs, which along with models #9265/4, #9266, and #9220, can be installed on garden stakes or stems. Each light comes with a glass Jelly Jar, available in clear, frosted, or prismatic options.


Our Garden Lights are designed to withstand the elements, delivered pre-wired with a high-efficiency LED12 module. Helping reduce energy usage and costs while ensuring bright, robust, and sustainable illumination. All LED models come with the LED chip and driver included.


Furthermore, Garden Light Model #9265 can be fitted with an integrated Sea Turtle Friendly 18W LED bulb (#9265/3-4 STS), making it suitable for installation in coastal environments and sea turtle habitats.


Technical Drawings: #9265/3 | #9265/4 | #9266 | #9220 | #9265/3-4 STS



Primelite’s Garden Light fixtures are meticulously handcrafted and assembled in our New York warehouse. Our lighting solutions not only offer a cost-effective and budget-friendly choice, but they also promise economical maintenance and years of dependable, stylish service. Furthermore, both our fixtures and LED modules come with a warranty, ensuring they are ready for action when they arrive at your job site!




⚙️ #9265 | Stake Mount

Garden Light #9265 (Post Mount)
Primelite Catalog: #9265/3

  • Type: Garden Light | Garden Stake Mount
  • Catalog Page: D41
  • Lamp
  •      LED12: 3K (1140 lumens) | 4K (1280 lumens)
  • Sea Turtle Shield: Integrated Sea Turtle Friendly LED18
  • Jelly Jar: Glass | Clear | Frosted
  • Jelly Jar size: 5″ H | 3.5″ Dia
  • Fixture Size: 7 1/2” H |  6″ Dia
  • Fixture Style: Small Top Pagoda-Style
  • Fixture Mount: Garden Stake | Stems
  • Pipe: 1/2″ Aluminum
  • Finishes: Choice of 29 powder-coated colors, including chic metallic-style finishes: nickel, chrome, bronze, brass, galvanized, and more.
  • Technical Drawing: #9265/3





Posted on

Brighting Your World. Again! #3

post to wall mount #7 lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219
Post to Wall Mount #7 | lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219
Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7 | lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219

One Sconce at a Time.

Post Light to Wall Light Conversion


Did you know that Primelite’s Post Lights and Lanterns can break free from their conventional fate of residing atop a post? With Primelite’s Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7, you can easily transform your lanterns into wall sconces, adding a stylish touch to your exterior projects.



Our Wall Bracket #7 is a simple yet durable fixture that can convert your 3″ post mount lanterns into functional and elegant wall sconces. Designed to fit most lanterns, Wall Bracket #7 can greatly enhance the look of various exterior spaces such as commercial exteriors, grand residential entryways, or even governmental and town buildings. The stylish yet functional design of this bracket and lantern combo can easily elevate the look of your space while also providing ample illumination.



At Primelite, we take pride in being a trusted provider of lanterns, street lights, and coordinating posts and poles. Our extensive experience and wide selection of post and lantern options ensure that your exterior lights have a solid foundation. With our diverse range of options, including Wall Bracket #7, we are confident that we can help you find the right fixtures and mounts to suit your needs and enhance the look and functionality of your lighting installation.


In addition Primelite offers a wide selection of Lanterns and Dark-Sky light fixtures that can easily work as exterior wall mounts and sconces. With our high-quality products and exceptional customer service, you can trust Primelite to help you achieve your desired lighting design.




<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Post to Wall Mount #7. Technically</span></em>
Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7. Technically

From Start to Finish: Primelite is Your Trusted Partner for Lighting Projects


Selecting the right lantern for your street light, post light, or wall mount sconce is crucial in both enhancing its appearance and optimizing its effectiveness. At Primelite, we understand the importance of offering a wide range of options to cater to your unique needs.


We take pride in our ability to provide customizable solutions that allow you to create outdoor lighting setups that are perfectly tailored to your preferences and requirements. Whether you’re aiming for a sleek and modern design or a more traditional and timeless look, we have the options to meet your specific style and budget.


Our team at Primelite is dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible lighting solution for your outdoor spaces. We combine our expertise in lighting design with a commitment to customer satisfaction, ensuring that your experience with us is seamless and enjoyable.


From choosing the appropriate size, shape, and finish to considering factors such as brightness, energy efficiency, and durability, we offer guidance and support throughout the selection process. By collaborating with us, you can create a polished and cohesive outdoor lighting design that not only complements the aesthetics of your surroundings but also fulfills your practical lighting needs.


With our extensive range of lantern options, you can explore various styles, materials, and features to find the perfect fit for your outdoor lighting project. Our goal is to provide you with versatile and reliable solutions that not only enhance the visual appeal of your space but also offer long-lasting performance.


Trust Primelite to be your partner in creating an outdoor lighting solution that is sleek, affordable, and tailored to your specific requirements. Together, we’ll transform your outdoor spaces into beautifully illuminated areas that are both inviting and functional.



post to wall mount #7lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219
Post Mount to Wall Mount #7 | lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219


Post Light to Wall Mount Bracket #7


Wall Mount Bracket #7


post to wall mount #7
Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7

Primelite’s Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7. This simple and cost-effective solution can easily transform your existing post light lantern into a stylish and functional wall sconce.


Wall Mount #7 features a durable rectangular base made from 100% aluminum, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability. With our Wall Mount #7, you can make the most of your existing post light lantern by repurposing it to better suit your needs.


Technical Drawing: #7





At Primelite, we take great pride in our commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our street lights, post lights, lanterns, and accessories are all meticulously crafted and assembled in our warehouse located in New York. By taking a hands-on approach to the manufacturing process, we ensure that every product meets our high standards for durability, reliability, and style.


Trust Primelite to provide you with the lighting products and services you need to achieve your desired lighting design. We’re confident that you’ll be impressed by our commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.



⚙️ #7 

post to wall mount converter
Primelite Catalog: #7





Posted on

Brighting Your World. Again!

post to wall mount #7 lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219
Post to Wall Mount #7 | lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219
Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7 | lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219

One Sconce at a Time.

Post Light to Wall Light Conversion


Did you know that Primelite’s Post Lights and Lanterns can break free from their conventional fate of residing atop a post? With Primelite’s Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7, you can easily transform your lanterns into wall sconces, adding a stylish touch to your exterior projects.



Our Wall Bracket #7 is a simple yet durable fixture that can convert your 3″ post mount lanterns into functional and elegant wall sconces. Designed to fit most lanterns, Wall Bracket #7 can greatly enhance the look of various exterior spaces such as commercial exteriors, grand residential entryways, or even governmental and town buildings. The stylish yet functional design of this bracket and lantern combo can easily elevate the look of your space while also providing ample illumination.



At Primelite, we take pride in being a trusted provider of lanterns, street lights, and coordinating posts and poles. Our extensive experience and wide selection of post and lantern options ensure that your exterior lights have a solid foundation. With our diverse range of options, including Wall Bracket #7, we are confident that we can help you find the right fixtures and mounts to suit your needs and enhance the look and functionality of your lighting installation.


In addition Primelite offers a wide selection of Lanterns and Dark-Sky light fixtures that can easily work as exterior wall mounts and sconces. With our high-quality products and exceptional customer service, you can trust Primelite to help you achieve your desired lighting design.




<em><span style="font-size: 12px;">Post to Wall Mount #7. Technically</span></em>
Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7. Technically

From Start to Finish: Primelite is Your Trusted Partner for Lighting Projects


Selecting the right lantern for your street light, post light, or wall mount sconce is crucial in both enhancing its appearance and optimizing its effectiveness. At Primelite, we understand the importance of offering a wide range of options to cater to your unique needs.


We take pride in our ability to provide customizable solutions that allow you to create outdoor lighting setups that are perfectly tailored to your preferences and requirements. Whether you’re aiming for a sleek and modern design or a more traditional and timeless look, we have the options to meet your specific style and budget.


Our team at Primelite is dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible lighting solution for your outdoor spaces. We combine our expertise in lighting design with a commitment to customer satisfaction, ensuring that your experience with us is seamless and enjoyable.


From choosing the appropriate size, shape, and finish to considering factors such as brightness, energy efficiency, and durability, we offer guidance and support throughout the selection process. By collaborating with us, you can create a polished and cohesive outdoor lighting design that not only complements the aesthetics of your surroundings but also fulfills your practical lighting needs.


With our extensive range of lantern options, you can explore various styles, materials, and features to find the perfect fit for your outdoor lighting project. Our goal is to provide you with versatile and reliable solutions that not only enhance the visual appeal of your space but also offer long-lasting performance.


Trust Primelite to be your partner in creating an outdoor lighting solution that is sleek, affordable, and tailored to your specific requirements. Together, we’ll transform your outdoor spaces into beautifully illuminated areas that are both inviting and functional.



post to wall mount #7lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219
Post Mount to Wall Mount #7 | lanterns #1218 | #1228 | #1219


Post Light to Wall Mount Bracket #7


Wall Mount Bracket #7


post to wall mount #7
Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7

Primelite’s Post Mount to Wall Mount Bracket #7. This simple and cost-effective solution can easily transform your existing post light lantern into a stylish and functional wall sconce.


Wall Mount #7 features a durable rectangular base made from 100% aluminum, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability. With our Wall Mount #7, you can make the most of your existing post light lantern by repurposing it to better suit your needs.


Technical Drawing: #7





At Primelite, we take great pride in our commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. Our street lights, post lights, lanterns, and accessories are all meticulously crafted and assembled in our warehouse located in New York. By taking a hands-on approach to the manufacturing process, we ensure that every product meets our high standards for durability, reliability, and style.


Trust Primelite to provide you with the lighting products and services you need to achieve your desired lighting design. We’re confident that you’ll be impressed by our commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.



⚙️ #7 

post to wall mount converter
Primelite Catalog: #7